Friday, April 16, 2010

Change is good...

Next year students will notice a few changes in the HRHS Library. We will begin to implement a new model for the space. Several high school libraries throughout the country are changing their focus; away from traditional print material to multiple format approach to learning. In the learning commons students and teachers can explore information not only from books but also online databases, ebooks, videos and podcasts. We are working towards creating a listening/reading area for students to use ipods and Kindles to access books required for their English/Language Arts classes and

The rearrangement of the space will include the creation of two new classroom areas within the library. This will allow teachers to access the library even if there are study hall students signed up. We are also rearranging the print collection so that classes can access the nonfiction information more easily and students browsing for fiction can do that without disturbing classes in the library.

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